As a memeber of this site day after day many value questions are asked in our value forum. In my opinion the value section has hurt the integerity of this site and the true purpose of this hobby...enjoy the history of items and have FUN! I am sure people will say well "just don't look at the value forum" well to be honest its pretty hard not to when almost every thread on the main page has something to do with value. Let sit back and think what is value? and who determines value. My definition of value is the amount of money a party is willing to exchange in retun for an item/service. How can we put a value on a item without any transaction whatsoever exisiting? Are past sales a good way to determine the true market value? In my opinion not really. Just becuase an item sells at auction for $XXX does it make that item worth that amount?....NO... the preception of peoples opinions change based on what they see the item sell for! I have spoke with many collectors and have met some great people in this hobby. I feel elimantion of the value forum would actually be more benifical to this site since most of us would have other things to talk about and contribute other knowedge to other sections. If this stuff was worth nothing how many people would be members? As COLLECTORS our goal is to preserve the history of service station related items, learn how items were used, and HAVE FUN!

The most valuable commodity I know of is information-Wall Street