I have been a gas pump collector for more than 25 years. I prefer to keep my pumps in unrestored condition and only replace missing parts with reproduction parts if I am unable to locate good originals. A couple of my recent pumps, a Bowser 310 and a G&B 106, needed pricer signs and while one of the better know suppliers listed these signs they were out of stock and there was no indication as to when they would be available. I was, however, able to locate a small supplier by the name of Vintage Autoworx and they provided be with the signs shown in the attached pictures. The owner indicated that he could provide me with signs, and in any size, that displayed any price I wanted. I sent him a picture of what I needed and he sent me the signs shown. He also told me that he makes custom globes and ad glass. You can check him out at www.vintageautoworx.com
Attached are some of the special ad glass and globe work done by Vintage Autoworx. The owner does great work and can satisfy most special needs at a very fair cost..