Here's a better shot of the interior of the accessory building. Hanging over the counter is an old bridge beam I had planed down. Then we routed out a channel and I mounted an LED strip to provide light for the countertop.
Last week got the strip behind the station concreted in. Had two local boys build me a gate/fence out of sucker rod and used an old drill bit that sat on my desk in the office for years to finish it off.
I needed a coffee bar for the building and had a couple of beams left. So I took one and got the grinder and stripped it down and then polyurethaned it. I'm going to have the boys build me two sucker rod brackets to hang in from the wall.
Sorry the updates have been scarce. Tomorrow it's time to empty out a lot of the lumber and supplies and tools and get ready the painter. I'll keep up better with progress photos, promise....
Thanks for the updates . I Really admire your vision and dedication to this project , Cant wait to see the finished station . My favorite on the site .
Wanted TEXACO related items & SUNOCO related items .Signs -Globes et'c. Oil Cans - Grease cans .
Thanks, guys. It’s really coming together now. The biggest struggle I’ve had is with these dang windows. They’ve had 80+ years of film, crud, and who knows what else baked into them. I’ve probably spent more time on trying to get them cleaned than anything else in the whole project!
I’ve used every chemical available, gone down them with a razor knife, and even tried to use a wire brush on a grinder to get them clean and they just keep getting worse! These I was able to get clean because they hadn’t been painted over before.
Yesterday the window trim guys came back and trimmed out the interior using the same aluminum as the outside. That seemed to be the best solution for covering up the old plaster and wood around the new windows.
After not seeing some pictures for so long on this great restoration, was hopeful you and family were OK, and that it was just that life gets in the way sometimes. Glad to see that was the case! Thank you for the update, it's looking great! Love to see all the progress as it is happening! Thank you!
You can try Muriatic acid with water to scrub them it works good on porcelain signs I use it on stubborn ones . Need to be careful though wear chem gloves goggles and mix correctly sequence wise . Google it . Good luck
Wanted TEXACO related items & SUNOCO related items .Signs -Globes et'c. Oil Cans - Grease cans .