Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to pass on this globe. I'll get out to some shows and see if I can do better.

I followed up on a lead this week and will be meeting with a guy who owned a gas station that was in business when I was a little kid. My grandmother used to take me to this cool little gas station, now closed, and let me pump the gas. I managed to get in contact with the owner and he said I can give him a call on Saturday and he'd dig some old items from the station out of his attic. Can't wait to see what he has.

Hopefully, I'll have some items for BOTW when it's all said and done. Maybe it's a good thing I'm passing on the globe. Perhaps there's something better waiting for me on Saturday and I'll need the extra cash. I do remember that the guy had a cool air meter just outside the building. Up until about 10 years ago, you could still drive up to the station and they'd come out and pump the gas.

More to come..........

Thanks guys.
