Flathead used the word real collectors, I know of some guys that are big collectors and don't sell anything and only buy and have a lot of there stuff done by others but this doesn't make them any less of a collector than me. They just have money so they don't have to wrench on them. When a guy goes through as much time to display his collection or inventory like Falvo than he must love petro. I also know of some guys that go out and hunt and wrench only to sell to these guys that you are talking about and to me some of these guys I don't consider real collectors and are only in it for the money. I guess these guys are past the day of going to the front door of a farmer and asking him if he is interested in selling his pump. You are also talking to a guy that is a 3 year gas veteran married to an accountant and buys on a budget. I get so much per week and if I want a $500 globe than it takes months to save up and my wife feels like that is to much. I guess the only difference I see is I have to watch how much I spend and some have an unlimited budget.

Looking for anything from Hoosier Pete, Platolene 500 and Red Bird.