If i bought them.

Lil background.. I work for the local phone company as a field tech. I see lots of stuff in my travels and when i see something when no ones around or "its not for sale" i write in a notepad and stop by now and then.

Got sent out of town for storm duty and went by a house i saw 2 porcelain colonial signs at last year. Owner said they were his fathers and he might sell them down the road and to stop back.

I was in the area friday and stopped by and the gentleman wasnt home but his 88 year old mother was. I told her my interest and she said they were part her signs as well and could use the money and her son would be back shortly. I left and did a job and swung in 1 more time. He still wasnt back but me and her had a nice talk about my job, her bed that wasnt delivered and how shes slept in a chair for 2 nitess and then she invited me in. We talked for 20 minutes until her son showed up and when asked about the signs he sold them shortly after i stopped for a 1/4 of my offer. The mother was upset and apologized and after a bit we started talking again about her age and how well she got around. She then told me of how young she felt because she was always helping her elderly neighbors. One man hadnt gotten his mail and when she stsopped over he was eating ahotdog and beans and didnt have the strength to get his mail. She cooked him dinner for 3 years. Then another story of more help and kindness followed by another.

As i got up to leave she again apologized about the signs and i said i was happy they were gone, the conversation i had with her was worth more to me than any sign.

Its people like her that are few and far between and why we are in the state were in. I learned a valuable lesson friday and left with a bigger smile than any collectible ever could.
