I replied to a Value question on the "Peggy" that is being asked about...

I noticed figures being put forth, that are separated by a fairly wide expanse of dollars.. And have noticed this pattern for a couple of years now... And I have a suggestion and honestly, would like the Membership to discuss the direction of the "Value Forum"...

Here is pretty much what I wrote in my reply: with a couple of changes that relate to me posting this "New Topic" here, in the General Discussion Forum, not the Value Forum.. (hope that makes sense, but if it doesn't?..... most of you are now use to my ramblings)

"I am quite confused at times; And I must admit, this happens a lot since I reached a certain age and started "Over the Hill"...

But, being confused, really happens a lot here on Oldgas... Especially by the "numbers" being bantered in the "Value Forum"....

The figures that are being offered; Are they Values (what the item is actually worth) or are they potential resale figures?

This Forum started out as a "Value" Forum... What an item was actually worth... Now, atleast to me; This forum is becoming a "Resale Forum" where some Members make guesses as to what an item may bring at Resale...

There lies the problem, some of the Members (mostly those who are experienced and are actual Collectors) are attempting to give the asking Party, actual Values...

Whereas, other Members (mostly not experienced and those at are not really Collectors) are producing numbers that relate to what one may get if they Resale the item...

These conclusions of course are mine and mine alone... I do believe though; That more and more Members are relating the same concerns to this Forum. This is based on conversations I have with other Members and reading posts... Because of these concerns and how I relate to the figures I now see given on this forum; Is one of the reasons I do not "throw out" numbers... Nor do I offer to express an opinion as to the value of an item(s)...

If I may make a suggestion? Why not place a caveat with your numbers... Explaining if you are giving an actual value or if you are giving a resale figure...."

Looking for Tide Water/ Tide Water-Associated/ Tidewater items