Sorry Bryce, but I think you are wrong on this one! You think that Randys posts add to the back door offers? Generally, I have seen most of the items he posts, except for items from catagories I don't watch, and then I find the posts educational. If an exceptional item pops up that you are interested in, you have the same back door as the other ebay members, so help yourself!
With the millions of people watching ebay, I can't believe that even one of Randys posts ever added to the price, or set up a back door Johnny that wasn't already there.
I mostly watch ebay to keep up with public trends and pricing, and occasionaly I bid on something, but I am there mostly for the daily schooling.
I for one, am very happy that Randy brings an occasional rare item to the front, in that we may all enjoy watching the ensuing bidding. I even like to add an item every now and then myself!
I seriously doubt that you have ever missed out on anything because of one of Randys posts! Please keep up with the "town Crier" and I will do my best to help out at times.
I hope you take my criticism for what it is--just an opinion-- and don't take offense from it.
Last edited by K W FRITH; Tue Aug 16 2016 06:38 PM.