10 Gallons For a Dollar

Published in 1985, the size is 8 1/2 X 5 1/2 soft cover with 216 pages.
There are 97 pictures of pumps with specifications and 50 original pictures of gas stations.
Price $25.00, includes shipping.

Gilbert and Barker

Published in 1989, the size is 8 1/2 X 5 1/2 soft cover with 264 pages.
It starts out with some of the companies history and follows with 171 Pictures of Gas pumps, oil pumps, outside installations, gas nozzles, air towers, pump parts, glass cylinder sizes for 32 visible pumps and some specifications.
Price $25.00, includes shipping.

Back to the Future Tokheim

Published in 1993, the size is 8 1/2 X 11 Hard cover, full color with 172 pages. Some history of the company with 78 pump photos, specifications, and Decal locations for pumps.
Price $30.00, includes shipping.

I was the first to publish Gas Pump Books beginning in 1978. I published 5 books and only have these 3 left in print. They are in limited supply. Bob Lee

Email me @ detroitdrummer73@gmail.com with any questions.

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Last edited by Bob Lee; Tue Feb 28 2017 06:09 PM.