Originally Posted By BryceG
Originally Posted By Loyd Pierce
Its not the blue collar working class collector that is driving prices, their just along for the ride.

i think you would be surprised to see how many of the biggest collectors in the country are blue collared or retired blue collar.

Bryce I wouldn't be surprised but they have a sense of value and respect the all mighty dollar a lot more than the CEO or owner of large company that has reached the point where what it cost really doesn't matter. Maybe I'm wrong you guys are more involved than I and have been at it longer. I guess my main point is the sell of the cardboard cutouts will drive the asking price of next time they surface,provided that its a educated seller who researches sells. People say don't place value on ebay and petro auctions,well its done ever day. I think the hobby is in the process of a big change there is a generation that is fueling their living on the backs of the true collectors. You have one group that may buy and sell to collect that is carrying the burden of sellers that has no notion of ever collecting.

*Wanted Pierce Pennant Petroleum*