This sign was never used or made for Cities Service Oil Co. It is a modern day, embossed tin, single sided sign. The frame is obviously home made and the only real thing about it would be the cast iron base, although there are reproductions of it floating around too.
As Mike stated, curb signs were made to be seen from both sides and were always made out of heavy material in order to survive out in the elements. The statement that it was made to "swing in the wind" is truly laughable! Curb signs were always at the mercy of the wind and that was why they used cast iron bases.
The true measure of whether or not a collectible is a reproduction, or fantasy, is the old photos that we have and are truly a record of what was actually used! There are all kinds of photos of the actual curb signs used by Cities Service and they were very particular about their signage. They NEVER used tin junk like this to display their logo and name. As a 15 year collector of Cities Service, I have pretty much seen it all and this sign is not one of them.

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