For Auction: An Illustrated Guide to Gas Pumps, Identification and Price Guide, 2nd Edition, by Jack Sim

I have enjoyed this book, have used it when quizzed on OldGas about pumps back when, or just seeing something I liked and wanted to figure out which one I was looking at without bugging anyone. I also thought I would be doing road trips to look for them 'in the wild' but found out I can be pretty shy about asking people out of the blue about their pumps on their property.

I know there may come a time when I tell myself, dang! I wish I still had that...but this is a book that deserves to go on the road with someone who will use it and get it dog eared. I keep it too!

Condition, like new
Starting bid $50
Ending time Friday February 9 at noon (central time).
30% of the sale to go to Jim to support this site
Bid does not include Priority Mail cost via USPS from Maryland, that must be paid by purchaser.