Dropped prices on remaining signs...also open to trades for nice quart oil cans or other interesting signs. Prices include free shipping (USA only)

Buick DSP Sign $4800
Litter Bug SSP $495
Thrifty Stamps DST $235
USL Batteries DST $550
Golden Eagle PPP $850
Portage SSP $500
Parade PPP $135
WARNING (Arco/Richfield)
Public Service No Smoking (has some resto) $300
B/A Diesel $295
Stoll Coal Oil SSP $1250
Off. Sales & Service SSP $225
Robert Doe CA Oilfield SSP $OLD
Taystee Bread SSP $200
Wonder Bread SSP $325
Fill Em' PPP $165
Greyhound Flange DST $OLD
Castle Gate Coal SSP $1250
Hamman PPP $295
Hyvis SST $750
Sterling SST $250
Certified SST $250
Texaco No Smoking SSP $OLD

Wanted: Husky Cans/Signs, Interesting Pump Plates and NC Road Signage

Website www.petrojoe.com