first off i would like to thank Doc for the banner... great work as always. second... any input, pictures and comments from you all would be appreciated. so... with that out of the way... lets go !!!.

White and Bagley.... Oilzum ... truly one of the most collected brands of oil. everybody loves that logo and more on that later but first a little history. F.W.White and H.P.Bagley established their small company in 1888. at white and bagleys worcester offices, the founders of the company and their little staff tackled the basic lubrication problem: to develop a practical motor oil of uniform quality with a long service life and good protective properties. a series of basic motor oil formulae were developed by white and bagley during the years when the automobile was changing from a scientific curiosity to a reliable road machine. at the turn of the century, the proud and affluent owners of new england's first unpredictable horseless carriages began to call on white and bagley for "gas engine cylinder oil". as years went by and cars appeared in greater numbers on the unpaved roads, a young, new market for motor oil arose. but there were pitfalls for the motorist: more often than not, the oil bought at blacksmith shops and corner stores was inferior, unbranded, of uncertain quality. to overcome this, in 1905, white and bagley created one of the very first brand name motor oils, oilzum. carefully produced to a high standard of quality, oilzum took the risk and guesswork out of lubrication. the familiar oilzum kid trademark became a fast friend of the early motorist. alot more history later... right now... lets see what you got !!!!!!.