Here is little bit of information about Dirty Dan.

The cartoon character Dirty Dan the Carbon Man was created for the Pocahontas Oil Company (Blue Flash Gasoline) from Cleveland, Ohio. It was used for advertising their “Solvenized Blue Flash” gasoline. Dirty Dan used only on the early Blue Flash Hi-Speed maps. Later Hi-Speed maps he was not used. Solvenized (solvent) was an additive designed to dissolve carbon in your engine. It was from the Lubrizol Company.
Hickok Oil (Hi-Speed) bought out the Pocahontas Oil about 1934-35. Hickok did not advertise it’s gasoline as “Solvenized” they used “Ex-Carbon” instead. Since Pure was a minor stock holder of Hickok Oil…. Pure Oil (Purol Pep and Woco-Pep)adopted the “Solvenized” process for their advertising. The rest is Hickok Oil and Pure Oil history.

I hope this helps..about Dirty Dan.


Always looking for Hy-Flash Gas/Miller Oil, Hi-Speed Gas/ Hickok Oil and Paragon Refining items from Toledo,Ohio.