Vintage Evinrude Outboard Motors Sign
Kenny R S
Yesterday at 08:10 PM
I recently bought this piece, it's 5x3, double sided, and the frame is a "clamshell" design.
The frame is also a flange style with two attachments on the side of the frame for mounting.
I bought it a bit site unseen (one small photo, didn't even know it was double sided at the time).
There are no markings on the outside, or the inside to give any indication of the manufacturer.
One, I'm wondering what era this is from? 1960's? And two, do people typically try to restore the fluorescent set ups inside these? I installed LEDs, but the inner part of one side is so thin with paint that you can see the pods inside pretty clearly. Obviously, even if the tubes were working and inside, you'd also be able to see them.
Would love to learn more and some general idea of value but that's not super important. Thanks!