Tue Apr 23 2019 05:26 PM
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Petro Enthusiast
Petro Enthusiast
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I was told today if you use Beltmann to ship a visible, the glass cylinder has to be removed and boxed separately. Is there another recommended shipping company that will ship with glass intact? Thsnks in advance. Mike
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Just shippped one last week with glass installed through Beltman...no issues. Done probably a couple dozen that way over the years with only one fatality.
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Petro Enthusiast
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That's interesting. Michelle Bianci sent me this message when I asked for a quote : "Our trucks aren’t that tall , pump would need to be under 102”. Also the origin would have to have the glass cylinder off and boxed/packaged for us at pick up." I'll give her a call this morning for clarification.
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I use them almost exclusively. I build a padded crate with the visible laying down. Crate is 30x30x120" Fork lift accessible with long forks on pump end, where unit is most heavy. Very do-able, just takes know how. Paul www.severngaspumps.com
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Petro Enthusiast
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Thanks for the info on how to ship using a crate. My initial expectation was the process would be the same as any other pump I've had shipped to be. That being Beltmann picks it up, puts a few blankets around it, straps it to the wall and delivers to my door step. If I was shipping the pump to someone, I could see building a crate but I can't ask the current owner to do that. Michelle did say that they would ship with cylinder intact if the cylinder could be protected by the origin shipper. But no matter what, if the cylinder is damaged Beltmann won't cover the loss.
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Petro Enthusiast
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Make sure they know the difference between "glass cylinder" and "glass globe" , had the same issue before and it turned out that they were talking about a globe.......
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Ok, I sent a picture of the pump and there is no globe on it but I will make sure we're on the same page.
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When I buy a visible with a good glass cylinder, as you obviously have done here, [in all cases] I go pick it up personally. Thereby eliminating the issue of damage by the shipper, as it falls onto my shoulders. I build the crate when I have [sold] a pump and am shipping it out..... I have driven as far as Western Kansas from the East Coast for this purpose. Pump rode home in fine condition and was sold, crated and shipped to a client in Mexico City. It arrived in perfect shape. Beltmann delivered it to El Paso, Tx. where it was transferred to a freight forwarder for the rest of the way. I have found that sometimes you need to be more hands on when dealing with this big stuff. It provides a learning experience along with a trip out of your comfort zone and a chance to see the country. Paul www.severngaspumps.com
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Agreed, I pick up almost all of my pumps except when it doesn't make economical sense. After learning they won't cover the cylinder, I've decided to pick it up myself.
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I agree with Paul. But if you’ve never done it, search and read the other threads on how to haul / transport a visible. It has been covered in forums on this website.
Just out of curiosity, what state are you going to?
-Steve B. (WTB: 48" Flying A button, 48" black/org Phillips 66, White Star, and Chevrolet Signs. Also looking for a Wayne 866. Send a PM. Thanks.)
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I've transported several visibles but until it's stood back up at home. in one piece, I'm nervous about. South Carolina is where I'm headed.
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I recently had to deal with Beltman. Not happy with them . Very difficult to get in touch with. They failed to show the first time and then waited a week to get another pick up date and then waited again all day for them to show. The driver and helper seemed not too happy to have come this far and not friendly at all . It is probably an isolated case and there is not much alternative so what ya gonna do ? I for one will never ship another pump . Pick it up or forget it .
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If you ship through freightquote or uship, you will be able to buy supplemental insurance to cover this. I've been told its good coverage, but havent had to use it yet. The shippers own coverage is not very good typically. I was trying to figure out a way to ship less expensively recently, going more direct with individual shippers, but stopped because of the insurance issue and costs didnt seem higher using the brokers.
Have shipped a visible to Hawaii successfully, just need a really good crate.
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They subcontract out for the local pickups and it's a roll of the dice as to who you will get to show up. I've used them a couple times.
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