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...I ran into a fellow Oldgasser 10 minutes after I got to the Columbus show...a guy has been in the hobby for years...I made a joke about repros, and he told me that he had already been hoodwinked twice by signs that he thought were originals...luckily, he got his money back...

...the point is: whether or not a 12-year-old child is immune to the efforts of these counterfeiters, not everyone is...and the only reason these are not dated or marked as fakes, is that to do so would limit their sale as original signs...

...'sunlight is the best disinfectant'...posting about treasure ray's junk, and the other hucksters on eBay and at the shows, is the only recourse we have to prevent people getting ripped off...

Looking for better Gulf items: signs, globes, cans and paper - especially porcelain Gulf flanges, and Gulf A-38 & A-62 ad glass...
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Please correct me if I'm wrong. But the term reissue means that a company released its product advertisement patent to someone to once again produce this sign. I don't think that is the case with these signs. Which to me is false advertisement. Just another effort to deceive,and the statement of the limit run means till they make another run. I have been watching some firestone fakes for several years and the limited run never seems to run out.
The sad part is the amount of product that these guys move through EBAY makes it very one sided when you report these guys.
Seems to fall on deaf ears.

*Wanted Pierce Pennant Petroleum*
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Bob and others, any sign listed as a reissue or whatever under the reproduction category is enough info for me. What about Vics 66 and his 12” porcelain signs that everyone sells as old? These are sold and then aged and sold for hundreds of dollars.

Since your talking profiles, I see you own a repair shop in Oregon called R & R Motor Co. Just curious who the other R stands for?

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No, I don't... You have me confused with someone else. I live in WA State...

I am a disabled retiree. Before I was forced to retire, I ran one of the largest Electrical Contracting Firms on the West Coast. I have been in the Hobby for over 50 years... There are images all over the 'net; of portions of my Tide Water/Associated Collection... I have always been "upfront" about "my pedigree" in the Hobby... How I started, why I started, those who I learned from, the mistakes I've made... etc... I've never had the urge to "hide anything in my life"; warts and all... I've been in War, I've been in jail, I've been Married and I am divorced... I have children, that I've not seen in a number of years and I am at times a "royal pain in the a$$"....

I am damn proud to be a "Member of this Community" and it is a Community... When I started in the Hobby, there were less than 100 Collectors in the whole of the US and Canada. Now there are tens of thousands of Collectors and they stretch around the Globe...

Oh as to Vic's, GPH, Ande Rooney and others... THEIR SIGNS ARE MARKED!!!! AS ARE THEIR GLOBES!!!!! A GIANT DIFFERENCE from what treasureray sells!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looking for Tide Water/ Tide Water-Associated/ Tidewater items
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Bob, you are wrong. Are we talking about the same Vics 66? I bought 7 pump plates from the website over a month ago and they were not marked or dated? The Golden Shell and Regular Shell plate he sells is the same one that 2dd2 mentioned all fake rusted a few days ago and had removed. The Ande Rooney signs I have seen have a paper label on the back which is easily removed. The glossy flange sign I saw in Columbus was marked on the edge. Marking signs isn't the answer as listing them as what they are is the answer. And at least he was selling them as new-reissue for what they are. The crooks don't say they are repo or reissue or anything and sell them as old.

Someone decorating a restaurant or garage may not want to spend or have hundreds of dollars to buy junky ole rusted up signs.LOL..

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