I’ve had this in dry storage for 20 years. When obtained it was missing the computers and faces. My plan was to source the missing parts or I was planning to fabricate faceplates with vinyl graphics over a metal plate. I’ve never posted photos before… are faceplates new or used difficult to source for this model..?
The heavy cast base was broken in 2 spots and they have been welded and look great. I’m no expert by any means but I have stripped out a few single pumps and looks like most of the hardware for the frame and the outer skin are all here. The pitting on the chrome is mild. 3 of the 4 glass bulbs are intact. The rubber gaskets are surprisingly pliable and should be able to reuse. Surface rust only, zero rot.
Missing the face plates really stinks but then again how rare is this pump...?
Last edited by Wowabunga; Thu Oct 03 2024 08:43 PM.