It is Saturday. I usually close my shop at noon but today kept working. My phone rang three times after my normal hours. One call was a wrong number but two wanted answers to a quick question....Pump values were the question. When I state that I can be of no help unless I see it in person, they usually pursue that they only want a general guess. I tell them that on my site, there is a block to click where I offer handwritten estimates of value, using photos that they need to send me along with a $50.00 fee for the service. Surprising how quickly they end the call with "never mind." Although I don't get many thoughts these days worth a darn.... but today was different. I was finishing up a pump in my shop and having done several hundred restorations....your mind wanders as your hands do the regular stuff. It occurred to me that there have been tons of newbies on this site over the years. They all come here seeking knowledge of one sort or another. Most talk a good game. They ask for help and advice but rarely do they offer anything in return? Since I am not a member on any other forum, I have no experience as to whether this is normal or not? After the initial contacts, they seem to just fade away??? Sad to waste so much time helping folks who can not or will not try to help themselves? As I age, my time has become more precious to me. I like helping people but hate the lack of appreciation that I am given. It is as though they expect this to be a free venture on their part?