I believe Never Dull has a mineral spirits base and aluminum brightener is an acid base. There are several makers of aluminum brightener, just google and you should be able to find a supplier Home Depot, Napa, Lowes, etc... Make sure to dilute it when starting out on your face plates and work it up as needed. I use full strength on all fasteners, nuts, bolts, pins, etc... I could send some before and after pictures if you have any concerns about using it, I have some pretty bad face plates that I havent done anything with yet that could be done up. On face plates I will use the aluminum brightener to clean them up then rinse them with water. On the fasteners I just let them dry. On pump frames I will just let dry also. I was cleaning pump nozzels with it and they did better to rinse with water afterwards. Wouldn’t recommend using on any other pump parts besides what I’ve mentioned, it will dull any trim piece if left on to long. You could start out putting a couple rusty nuts and bolts in a plastic cup and you will learn what you can do with this stuff pretty quick. It is environmentally safe, but I still use gloves, doesn’t burn like other acids. Feel free to PM me for my number and I could probably answer any other questions a little easier.