Thanks guys! There's a lot more to come. I'm looking forward to the pictures. If you have any pictures, by the way, be sure to email them to me if you'd like me to post them.

I've constructed a timeline to the best of my abilities. Based on fairly sparse information, this is the most accurate that I can devise. If you have an additions or corrections, please feel free to email me.


1916: Josh Cosden built the “Mid-Continent Building” as a headquarters for his Cosden Oil & Gas company in downtown Tulsa, OK.

1918: A Cosden-controlled company called Mid-Continent Petroleum was incorporated in Delaware.

1925: Restructuring of the Cosden holdings. Mid-Continent Petroleum Corporation as we know it was incorporated. Mid-Continent building in Tulsa becomes Mid-Continent Petroleum Corporation headquarters. “Diamond Gasoline Motor Oil” Station ID Sign introduced.

1933: D-X Gasoline (motor grade), NevrNox Ethyl introduced. “Diamond” Station ID sign introduced.

1935: Power Gasoline (motor grade) introduced. Diamond 760, Power, and Faultless motor oils existed at this time, but their introduction date is currently unknown.

1936: D-X Ethyl replaces NevrNox Ethyl grade.

1939-40: Power ‘G’ Gasoline (motor grade) introduced.

1946: D-X Diesel introduced. Diamond stations rebranded to simply “D-X.” New “D-X” Station ID signs introduced.

1955: Merger with Sunray Oils. Formation of Sunray Mid-Continent Oil Co. and it’s primary subsidiary D-X Sunray.

1955-56: D-X Boron gasoline (premium grade) introduced with “rocket” globe attachment.

1957: DX Marine gasoline introduced. Change to new “DX” logo initiated. Station ID signs changed to new-style red, white, and blue logo.

1961: Super Boron gasoline (super premium grade) introduced.

1962: Company name change from DX Sunray to Sunray DX.

1968: Merger with Sun Oil Co. Dual-branded (Sunoco / DX) products introduced at this time. Stations in Sunoco marketing areas rebranded to Sunoco.

1980: Push to rebrand still-existing DX stations to Sunoco begins.

1993-?: Last DX stations rebranded to Sunoco.